Thursday, April 27, 2006

I guess it's time that I dust off this old piece of Internet community. There has been a lot going on in the world of me since I last posted way back before school started, a little too much to put into one post. I'll most likely drop bits and pieces around the place like crumbs so that you can put it together yourself.

This year found me closing a big chapter of my life, baseball. After coming out of the summer feeling like I was in a better spot, both talent wise and condition wise, than how I came in last year, I was let go. It wasn't that I couldn't get people out, it just came to the fact that he brought in a really talented freshmen group this year and I was more than willing to step aside for them. But all the same it was God's plan for me. I was getting a little burned out on the whole competive play aspect. I still love the game and hope that I can play this summer, which looks a little dim, but getting cut allowed me to come into my own and see what God had for me outside of baseball.

As with most of my life I felt that I got the short end of the stick on a lot of things this year, but alas that's the life of a Spencer. We have to work harder than most everyone else but we enjoy reaping what we sow that much more. Whereas it gets really old, I've learned to live with it. I'm not going to get away from it anytime soon so I might as well as learn to live with it now and deal. People see it as a defeatest or fatalist life style but if they were to experience it then they wouldn't think as such.

However for all the suck that this year has had, there have been highlights. Mr. UMW was something I thought I would never do but enjoyed it in a way that I never thought I could. I hope I get to do it again next year.

This year has been a year of large growth in my faith. I thought I was hearing the call to transfer towards the end of the first semester, but it was only to show me how much I need to stay here and be a leader in the Christian Community here at the MDUB. As that is what God has started to do with me. I will be leading a IV Guy's Bible Study next year. This is great for me becuase I am feeling the calling to the ministry after college. Also I am part of the 'tri-head' of Christian Unity. God has many great things planned for this campus.

I'm not going to lie, this has been a rough year for me, much like last year. But the difference is this year I went through it with God by my side instead of by myself. It'll be nice to be a hermit this summer and continue to grow. I need some of my me time badly, I'm really starting to feel like a sardine in a crushed tin can.

Stay humble, be thankful, and praise God for bringing you from where you were. Don't get cocky and stay true to yourself. Those are a couple of the things that I have learned this year.

Peace and God bless to all.